
When I finally got to film I knew I wanted to use a public pool, the only problem was that the nearest public pool was a 30 minute walk from my school and I only had a couple of hours before I had to get back to school to be picked up for an appointment. Because of this, I was very rushed in my filming. Being in a time pinch resulted in some rather odd and less than perfect shots. I could have met a second day to get additional shots, but I wanted to get it over with so I could spend more time on editing because I know that it is something that I tend to struggle with. Although thinking about it now, the odd shots could lead to more challenges with editing. Aside from that, I had to change my plans for the second scene in the film. Initially, I had wanted the scene to be set in a bathroom in someone's house, but we didn't have time to change location while filming so we had to film the scene in the restroom at the pool (after making sure it was empty of course). That setting makes slightly less sense, but it's what I had to work with. Additionally, the drowning scene was a bit of a struggle (no pun intended) because my actor Amie McNeil had a bit of difficulty making the drowning look realistic. However, I think I will be able to make up for that in my editing.
We ended up filming more bloopers and mistakes than actual usable shots, but we at least had some fun doing it.


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