This Whole Movie Thing

Hi, my name is Genevieve Hummel. I'm a senior this year and although the end to a very hectic high school career is in sight and continually drawing nearer, I find that I'm busier than ever. One of the many things that have been dumped on my plate is this whole movie thing. Being in AICE Media Studies has been more of a challenge than I ever expected it to be and this project is going to be no different. I have learned so much about media specifically film this year that I know that I have the skills and resources i need to complete this project, but at the same time i get the feeling that some time in the near future i may find myself to be extremely overwhelmed at the prospect of creating just a two minute film opening.
My first hurdle (one I've already come across) is to come up with a movie concept. The first step to overcoming this, logically, would be considering what genre my film is going to be. As of late I've been taking an interest in the Thriller genre including movies like Black Swan (2010), Gone Girl (2014), and Ex Machina (2015)*. These films have done an excellent job of of capturing audiences attention by creating mystery and suspense and making watchers constantly wonder what will be happening next. I'm interested in the idea of capturing a viewers attention so much that they cant look away no matter how shocking the events taking place seem to be. Thrillers are films that capture audiences universally and are entertaining to audiences across the board.
Though, all things considered, I'm not prepared to make a final decision on genre because there are so many to choose from, and let's face it, I'm indecisive. There's still more research to be done to find what interests me.

*Ex Machina is considered to be science fiction, but it contains many features of a thriller that it could be considered as a secondary genre as well.


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